Saturday 28 July 2012

Winter Wonderland

I spent the day skiing at Falls Creek yesterday and thought it would be nice to share some images-

There was about 4cm of fresh snow fall overnight, so it was beautiful and powdery. It was also snowing lightly for most of the day, which was really pretty! 

These images are of Rocky Valley Lake, which is always a breathtaking view as you're skiing down the slopes.

Every year the locals, resort staff and guests at Falls Creek celebrate the first day of Winter by taking an icy plunge into Rocky Valley Lake. Over 70 people took part this year- I'm not sure if I would call them brave or crazy?!

Emma xx. 


  1. That looks beautiful! Although I have to say that I'm very happy that Winter is quite a while away for me. Thanks for sharing!

    Hannah from I am a lifestyle blog

    1. It was a beautiful setting thanks Hannah :) Hehe yeah I'm certainly looking forward to some warm weather, but definitely making the most of Winter while it't here!


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