Thursday 29 March 2012

Bountiful Bruschetta!

I'm completing a clinical placement at a mental health service at the moment, and am really enjoying the experience. Unfortunately today was just one of those days. I seemed to roll out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, and the rest of the day just seemed to follow suit.

After collapsing on the couch when I got home, I decided that I would make myself something special for dinner to enjoy and unwind. I was craving something nice and fresh, and eventually chose bruschetta.

I started with frying some thinly sliced pancetta in a nice hot pan until crispy. I then set it aside to drain on paper towel and cool to room temperature. Complete the rest of the steps, and then chop the pancetta right at the end.

Next step: lightly grill bread (I had a Baker's Delight Vienna loaf in my freezer so made use of that). Cut a clove of garlic in half and rub gently on one side of each slice of bread while it is still warm. I had never used that technique of rubbing the bread with garlic, it's suprisingly effective, and thoroughly enjoyable as the garlic aroma emanates from the warm bread.

Mix together: diced tomato (seeds removed), finely chopped red onion, torn basil leaves, crumbled fetta (danish fetta is my favourite) and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.

Pile the tomato mixture on top of the garlicky bread slices, top with the cripsy pancetta, drizzle with some good quality extra virgin olive oil.

Ahhhh. Yum-licious.

Does anyone have a different bruschetta topping that they like to make? I would love to know!

Emma x.
[Photo taken at Phillip Island last summer]

Hello Friend!

If you're reading this, congratulations! This is my first ever blog post! Hooray! Ok, I get it, this may not be as exciting for you as it is for me...

Firstly I would like to thank you for visiting my blog. If you're wondering what this whole 'tinsel and teacups' shamiz is about:
  • It is actually the name of my jewellery and tea-cosy business. Expect regular updates of new additions to my product line, forthcoming markets that I am selling at, and retail outlets where my products are being sold. You can find more information about my business and the products via the 'Product Range' and 'The Story of the Tinsel and the Teacup' pages.
  • I also enjoy a bit of modelling on the side. If you follow the 'modelling' link, you can view my portfolio and resume.
  • I've been interested in starting a blog for quite a while, mainly to share my thoughts and comments on things that inspire, intrigue and interest me...
Thanks for reading, I hope to see you again soon...

Emma x.